[QUOTE]Originally posted by Frodo02:

By the way until the end of 1995 consulted a classic homeopath. I was his patient for ten years visiting nearly every month. The result was tremendous. Also I did not have any serious disaeses I beame very fit. I don't even get strong colds anymore. I told him that he was my health insurance. The costs for the treatment very very reasonable
actually less then a health insurance.

*****I am pleased that it has kept you well --- I have never seen a client every month for that length of time --- maybe an unusual situation?

At that time I was also doing some tech in the human potential movement e.g. Idenics,
NLP, TA etc...
He told me that he did not believe in those techs. For him only homeopahty could solve emotional and charater problems.

******I use NLP and hypnosis and various other techniques that have picked up over the years. I definitely see these as useful tools. Have recently been investigating the theories of Dr. Hamer on disease --- this is quite exciting information for someone in my profession with an interest in mind/body medicine.
Not sure if I agree with your homoeopath about techniques as above.

I don't always need to prescribe homoeopathics for my cases. Sometimes the shifts can happen with other methods. If there are serious blocks though, remedies do help as does the teachings that come with the Holosync program. I find them particularly useful with many of the clients who find their way to my door. Many of them are looking for direction, and as I do both Psych and Hom and personal development, I seem to attract particular kinds of clients who are ready for this kind of work.

As I mentioned earlier, got my new set of CD's for Purification level 1 yesterday, and listened to the Dive just once. Interesting that all day today, I could feel the aggravation/irritation that it stirred up. I was quite surprised, as the previous level had done its work.
In this instance, i will not listen again until this aggravation passes - but am extremely pleased to have the opportunity once again to look at what surfaces. It is indeed an interesting journey :-)

