Frodo02 wrote:

How do specify when you get something out of a level? What do you consider as overwhelm symptoms?
I consider feeling tired after meditation or
falling unconcsious during meditation as an overwhelm symptom.

***I have quite a few 'symptoms' that I feel are related to the impact of the level:

the first thing that happens when I start a new level, is that I have a physical reaction -- a kind of pulling sensation. There was one spectacular one of these where my body almost lifted off the couch I was semi reclined on -- only from my waist down but a significant event. Since then, nothing has been quite as dramatic, but still feel pulling sensations and lots of pops and cracks in the first week or so of each level.
I also feel quite alot of pressure in my head.
Initially, I drift off to sleep just after it kicks into delta -- however that is not always, and as the weeks go by, this stops happening unless am lying in bed and it is go to sleep time.

I don't see these as 'overwhelm' --- that is something that comes for me starting about 1 week after beginning a new CD. I get quite irritated, and find myself being more emotional than usual --- and some issue that is needing dealing with comes bubbling up and to a head and gives me a great opportunity to deal with it.

This is not a pleasant time, but once I realize that it is the program that is pushing stuff up, I go with it, and use the trainging from various sources and aim to let it peak and hopefully be gone forever.

This level I began though, did it after the first sitting --- and I have only just come down from being quite spaced out for about a week. VEry obviously the program.

When the above symptoms no longer happen, I take this as a sign that I am ready for the next level.

Anyway, that is what happens for me. I realize that it is different for everyone

Overwhelm is definitely something I welcome and appreciate the info that Bill has offered in how to deal with this.
The principles of Conscious living are wonderful tools to move to another vantage point and his internet course is additional useful training.

Being a psychologist, and having used many many 'methods' for therapy for eons, I find that the programs offered by Centrepointe to be not just theory but practical as well, and this has been something that I use with my clients as well as for myself.

I have no complaints.

I have had some incredibly interesting experiences with the 'floating' sound track.
The first time I used it, I felt I had been awake all night --- but as it turns out, I am one of those people who is aware that I am asleep, and when i use this track, it is almost unbearably boring --- no dreams, just 'nothingness'.

Consequently, I don't use this track very often, as i really enjoy a rich dream world and prefer it to the 'nothingness' - which even though I describe as boring, had another quality that I can't quite describe that was rather pleasing as well.

What has been your experience with 'floating'?

