Hi to everybody who reads this.First of all..I just registered to this site so i could reply to this forum. I found this forum while doing some research on holosync, I just started using the program and i wanted to find out a little more about it, and I happend upon here where I found many of yall's comments and complaints. If I could I wish I could help each and everyone of you who seem to be having problems with there lives, but I can't. I have been feeling like I was in a rut for years now..and I was really getting tired of it..feeling depressed everday cause I couldn't get over certain things..so I began searching again...for something different...a way to be happy again..the way I used to be when I was a child..I'm not here to say what I think is right or wrong...but I would like to say my opinion on holosync...while I think it's an excellent listening tool for meditation, I wouldn't rely on it to solve or eliminate any issues on it's own. I do believe that listening to the audio's will definetly aid you in entering into different states of concsciousness, but it seems as though many people are using this program as a crutch for their suppossed problems. The way that I ended up digging myself into that rut I was talking about was by trying to figure out who I was..I began searching for the spiritual side, but only lead myself to a seemingly unescapable place of misery..this may not be the case for all of you, but almost everyone that I know that has gone down the path of searching for the truth has ended up at the point at which most of you describe at one point or another. Recently I have discovered a book called "The Power of Now" by Eckhart Tolle . I have always been skeptical of the books that supposedly contained the knowledge that I was looking for, but this one seemed different. This one doesn't claim to hold the truth and promise you things such as the Holosync program does. It goes way beyond any other book I have ever read. It simply explains how to live in the NOW, which is where we should be. Not seeing things through the eyes of the past..or wondering far into the mind projected future only to build up hopes that can be destroyed, or worring about the outcome. Simply be here in this moment. I can't read you the whole book on here, unfortunately. but for those of you who seem to be struggling with psychological issues or even for those of you who just wish to get back intouch with your true self. I highly suggest this book. It's also available on audio cd and is read by the author Eckhart Tolle..I just began reading this about 3 days ago and I already feel so much better about life. I hope that all of you can feel the same and that this message will help out at least one person. I send my blessings for those of you in search of what we all need. If any of you have any questions or want to talk about something you can email me at binary222@hotmail.com / I will check back in to this forum in the near Now.