Interesting thread, this is :-)

I too, notice tensing, pulling and low-back spasms when adjusting to new Holo levels. AL3, disk 2 has plunged me into a bit of existential despair lately, so I briefly resorted to the Insight disk to smooth things out, which it did. I sort'a bounce between the two regardless.

I understand enough about overwhelm and dealing with it. I also appreciate all the upfront literature Centerpointe provides for this. But sometimes, there isn't enough drive, energy or motivation inside me to even get a foothold to deal with it all.

I never could get into the "Floating" track - maybe I'm already "asleep" during it too, but don't realize it. I just feel annoyed sometimes afterward. I had "sleep witnessing" a number of times when doing TM years ago. It can REALLY be distressing when you are trying with-all-your-might to simply open an eye or move a muscle to "wake up!"

"The Power of Now" was really a help to me too. I'd listen to it on CDs I got from the local library and it is a powerful and transforming experience. I think that, (and some readings in basic Buddhist psychology, Hahn, zen, Lama, etc.) has been as beneficial to me as any other seminar Bill or others offer.

Regarding Centerpointe "overpromising" - it is the one thing I've tried that seems to deliver everything it says it does. The intro literature seemed reasonable and well thought out before I started, and many of the details and aspects fell into place with subsequent practice. There may be cheaper and more effective things out there, but Centerpointe's aggressive "marketing" (like TM's at one time) introduces a much wider audience to this experience.

I've had interesting results with Brainwave Generator too. But, I'd be concerned about what can happen to independant cybernauts using this stuff and all the overwhelm and stuff it can unleash. The Centerpointe package is really relevant and useful regarding this stuff.

[This message has been edited by lad (edited September 08, 2005).]