Some from Jonathan Parker's sample pages:

Writing and Creativity:

My mind is like a flowing river of ideas. I write everyday. Creative word choices come easily to me. I am a prolific writer.

My creativity is fresh and original. I see ideas that others miss. My creative imagination brings rich rewards. A flood of brilliant ideas comes to me naturally and easily. I have great creative energy. My creative mind generates many ideas.

I have a great fertile imagination.


I maintain eye contact when listening. My listening skills bring out the best in others. I carefully follow the speaker's words. I easily remember details.

Public Speaking:
My speech is smooth and fluent. I have a persuasive vocabulary. I am always in charge when speaking. I have the power to captivate and persuade audiences. Public speaking is naturally easy for me. I am a compelling speaker. My thoughts are clear and well expressed. I enjoy gesturing - it is natural and appropriate. I speak with enthusiasm.

Stimulating Conversationalist:
I am truly interested in others. I bring out the best in others. People feel at ease with me. My mind is clever. I create interesting word pictures. I express myself with creative freshness. I communicate my thoughts clearly.