While I got my introduction to NLP through Anthony Robbins, I don't care to recommend anything by him.

He is good at motivating people, but a lot of what he says is empty rhetoric. For instance, a pattern of his is to raise a bunch of emotional energy through talking about something of concern and getting the listener to imagine a great solution. He then talks about a technique that does not necessarily have anything to do with resolving the kind of problem he addresses.

He takes a lot of good ideas from people who are good at thinking, but he is not such a good thinker himself. He's a good motivator and a good marketer, that's all.

I'd recommend looking into material and seminars by the people who taught him. John Grinder and Richard Bandler still do seminars, and there is a whole load of material available on NLP.

And if you want to read about the people who inspired Bandler and Grinder, then look at Gregory Bateson, Virginia Satir, and Milton Erickson.

The places I've been to for NLP seminars have been NLP Comprehensive and NLP University. NLP Comp. is more hands on and professional. NLP U. is more academic. Both have something unique to offer. I'd suggest NLP Comprehensive to a first timer.