
Your are welcome to your opinions as to any characterization of my reasoning. Though I don't know if it will lead to an accurate assessment of Tony Robbins.

As I see it, the only thing my last post evidences is that I don't feel that I need to explain myself by answering a barrage of questions.

Go google it and look at the sordid details of the whole affair for yourselves. It will answer a number of the questions asked.

If Tony Robbins represents what you want to model in your life, then you best take a good look at him. In my estimation, he is extremely opportunistic. He is about one thing in his rhetoric and about another in his behavior. This, to me, is particularly signficant because he goes on and on about congruence and walking your talk.

He stands on the shoulders of giants and puts his name on their work at worst or neglects to mention them. People talk about "Tony's techniques" when they are actually referring to work by Richard Bandler, Robert Dilts, John Grinder, Milton Erickson, et al.

He may be a savvy businessman, but he is no intellectual. Many of his ideas are simply marketed re-workings of things that are actually much more sophisticated, powerful, subtle, and nuanced in their original forms.

If, however, you find his life and actions to represent something different than I do, then you see a different Robbins. I do not feel it's my responsibility to go in depth and explicate and deconstruct my perception of him for anyone.

Go to one or a few of his seminars, sense his energy, look at the facts of his life, and come to your own conclusions. Your results will be stronger for you than anything I can say here.

[This message has been edited by babayada (edited January 18, 2005).]