I'd like to add that IMO some of Tony's products are a good introduction to NLP and he should be credited to popularizing the field. He's primarily a motivator rather than a trainer. There are a lot of people teaching NLP that you can learn much more from. His NLP skills are not really something I would model but considering how big his business is his business skills would be something worth modeling.

I actually modeled him once at a seminar. One method to model people in a seminar setting is to match their micro muscular movements as you would if you are establishing rapport. During the exercise where we are supposed to influence someone I successfully demonstrated his somewhat hyperactive speaking style like it was "normal" for me. It was an interesting experience but I haven't found a use for the behavior since the seminar.

You can try that skill with any speaker, teacher, or video of a seminar. Keep in mind that you'll be modeling the behaviors demonstrated, not necessarily other things about the person though it is possible that you will pick up other things.

[This message has been edited by Dosetsu (edited April 04, 2005).]