The Story Behind The Levels - (It isn't just to keep you paying for the rest of your life.)

I originally posted this to another thread, but I didn't really want to post there, as Paul had already piped in about the negative nature of the discussion / people trashing each other. I know that these things can be discussed without resorting to that sort of thing. I don't make any money from promoting Centerpoint. I realize that some people feel that the system didn't work for them. Others love it and use it regularly. I speak from my long-term beneficial experience using Holosync, but realize that each person will have their own experience and opinion and I honor that.

I have used Holosync for many years - I was one of their earlier customers, since sometime in 1992. In the beginning you could get Bill himself on the phone when you wanted to talk about the program. I took advantage of this and I also went through the same deal with Bill about wanting to skip up some levels. I had been using a very powerful system of meditation development for some time and I was sure that I could handle the Holosync system just fine. Bill, who was big into TM at the beginning of his development and therefore thinks that TM is probably one of the only things that comes close to Holosync, said I just work with it and let what happens be OK. I wanted to push it more than that - I wasn't feeling overwhelmed by the program - so I insisted, and he DID allow me to skip ahead a bit in the program.

While the Level system does in one way serve to break the program up into nice ongoing chunks of residual income (which, from the standpoint of a business plan is just good business, and Centerpointe is a business) - it is also helping most people to become accustomed to the energy of the system and develop over time. It does take time to grow and develop. Bill insists that he and his fellow experimenters, before the forming of Centerpointe, played around with the system and after they saw the results they were having to holosync they decided to "see what this stuff could really do". So they jacked the thing up as high as it would go and used the lowest carrier signal possible. They used these new recording for a bit - they felt like they experienced spontaneous kundalini awakenings - they were flying high! And then....they all crashed...big time. They went through hell - literally: intense psychological pain, overwhelming overwhelm, breaking out in hives, flu-like illnesses, depression, you name it.

So they stopped listening to those recordings and learned a reasonable sound respect for the power of holosync. When they designed the system - they knew it was powerful and they set it up in a way that would promote strong growth in the practitioners and yet not blow out any fuses in anyone. My understanding is that the highest level of the program is nowhere near the levels of those experimental recordings - they were just too much.

And now, if you will believe this, Bill himself uses the program regularly, and even after all of this time he is still nowhere near the end of the program. He is somewhere in the middle.

So, from my perspective, Centerpointe, which is a business, offers a beneficial product that performs a service, helping people to strengthen their resistance to stress and expand the capabilities of their brain to handle greater input. The Level system helps to protect thier customers and to ensure a beneficial experience with the system, even as it works as part of a sound business plan to ensure the growth of the company.

So, the question is occasionally asked: "What Happens After Holosync?"

I know that there are not even a handful of people who have completed the program, and so this wouldn't be an issue until after many years of working with the system. Holosync begins working quickly, but it isn't a quick fix. Like any other system, it is about regular, persistent, disciplined effort as part of your life practice.