Thank you so much for your responses and suggestions! There are some great ideas for me to try.

Frodo02 and Inquiring Mind both mentioned that their work socialization/situation has improved since starting SHSW. I'd been lumping this into the "unfocused and lethargic" that I've experienced the second month of SHSW, but... I USED to have a good work socialization/situation before starting SHSW. The first month brought some benefits, but the second month I've just withdrawn into a shell and have no interest in talking to anyone unless I have to. Two people at work have commented that I never talk any more and two other co-workers has commented that they never see me anymore. THAT's NEW since I've started listening to SHSW and is very negative--probably the one thing that could get me to stop listening to SHSW the fastest.

Frodo02 is probably right that my fear of no positive results is bringing that result about, but this is downright sabotage. My work situation is such that another person was just laid off/fired on Friday because they could save a little money by keeping that position open for two months. And the person they fired? The one person in the group who doesn't make an effort to socialize with co-workers. The firing wasn't based on skill set, or a different person would have been let go. Right now I'm wondering if I can afford to tough out my resistance/sabotage to SHSW... but I haven't quit yet!

Thanks again for your help and responses,

~ Pam