Hi all

Nice debate here hey? Nobody is saying that info isn't good, but when a product is both expensive and highly marketed you expect not to have to keep adding to the mix.

How sad that anybody feels the need to spend several hours a day using several different products costing several hundred ££££$$$$$ to do it.

My belief is that most people who sign up to HS are not neccesarily dysfunctional or depressed or whatever, they are probably really switched on go getters who hold down good jobs and are not easily fooled by marketing hype. In fact a good job is a necessity as HS is not cheap.

I was drawn to HS because it seemed so (out there) and credible in what it offered, not because I was depressed or suicidal or what ever! I agree that info about courses is good but it can dilute a persons resolve to focus on a single product for long enough to appreciate the benefits.

Obviously from this discussion there are a few people out there who spend most of their time and wealth persuing personal development nirvana at the expense of LIVING A LIFE! I love what HS has done for me so far and would not consider dropping it.

Come on people find a path, give it a good try, commit yourself to it and then go out and get a life too. You know, good old meeting people etc. I really think that there is a danger that a large minority of people will/have become personal development junkies without realising it!
and the more hooked they become, the more self righteous they become.

That should stir it up a bit hey?

