This is a bit off the main topic here, although I could jump into the fray and say that I empathize with ALL opinions in this thread...

Zendar, you mentioned the process of overwhelm and indicated that irritation can be one of the forms it takes. Could you, or someone, explain to me what "overwhelm" is? I've seen it referenced in a number of posts in the discussion forum, but I don't know what it is.

I am not a holosync user (maybe that's obvious from the question), but I am currently using the Sound Health, Sound Wealth system. This is system that is supposed to be a broad-based body/mind/spirit/life healing system, and I'm struggling with it. (I'm in my third month now.) I've been considering my difficulties to be resistance/self-sabotage, but I'm curious about what this "overwhelm" is, why it occurs, how a person gets through it, etc.

Thanks for any insight you can provide!