Oh ... another thing or two, my opinions about what overwhelm is, why it occurs, how to cope:

What: a whole bunch of mental activity that occurs during meditation that is a lot like a whole bunch of people screaming for your attention at once. It's overwhelming.

Why? In a state of meditation:

1) You become aware of activity that already exists in the mind.

2) You become more sensitive to this actiivty.

3) There can be a struggle for your awareness ... focusing on the mantra vs. the activity of your mind which may distract you.

4) The brain, when presented a steady stimulus, will begin to perceive patterns that aren't there. That is, it may sort of generate its own static, it's own self-stimulation. This is sort of what occurs in sensory deprivation tanks.

The mind gets overwhelmed by all this.

What can you do? The approach in TM is to "allow" this activity to take place. The attitude is extremely passive, you just let it come and let it go. Do not try to fight to keep your awareness on your mantra or meditational device. Keep going with the device, but let thoughts come and go. Become an observer, just witness the activity of your mind.

Even so, you may get caught up in it. Just breathe. Just deal. It's temporary. Knowing that this event can occur is sometimes enough to cope with it. It's natural. It comes and it goes. You aren't going nuts. It's normal. Just observe it. It does get better.

After the overwhelm, like with people who go through masochistic experiences like getting whipped, there is a tremendous sense of relief and a flush of endorphins.

I do believe weathering these internal storms makes you a more centered, balanced person. Granted, stuff from the unconscious can also well up from deepening your consciousness. This can also lead to emotional overwhelm and trials during your non-meditative experience. You can handle these upsets the same way. Observe them. Work through them. Breathe.