Babayada, you still understood perfectly well what I’d said even if I didn’t proof read my last post.

Everyone is “ignorant” of something; its an impossibility to know EVERYTHING. And you’re no different. And your right, ignorance isn’t a bad thing, I’ve simply stated a fact about your response to a product. That’s it! (did you see the Smiley emoticons??)

To prove holosync works or not would be impossible for me to do. I have know idea if you’ve attempted to do h/s but if you could hold your scepticism aside and went up into the higher levels of the program you would find just how powerful this program is. And yes, Awakening Prologue did produced similar results as per CRI’s support letters detailed (and more). There are many thousands of people who do this program and whom have had great insights about themselves, how they operate within the world, and do so at a higher level.

“As far as I know, Watcher, the content of the CDs contains environmental sound effects and binaural beat frequencies. Am I not correct?”

Yes, your correct! But the whole crux of the program is the ‘binaural beats’ AND the lowering of the carrier frequencies. This information has been in the public domain for eons and, yes, anyone can go out and produce their own BB CD and flog it off. Well, why aren’t they I say? I don’t see ANY other company that offers as much as CRI do (within the context of binaural beat products). One could argue Awakened Minds does but they’re claiming a different concept all together (not the lowering of carrier frequencies).

In regards to bwgen we had one bloke coming onto the holosync forum saying how he was ‘freaking out’ because he was mixing and matching different binaural beats and trying to mimic holosync. He may have even succeeded but he swore he would go off ALL binaural beats as they were proving too powerful for him – too fast too quick. I believe he returned later and said he’d stick to the structured program of holosync, no guess work involved.

“Really, it may be ignorance, but I don't see why those products should cost that much for any other reason than pure greed.”

If I go out to a restaurant and order quality meal I could argue back to the waiter that this is just too bloody expensive; this restaurant is being greedy because they're charging fifty odd bucks for a plate of food (with bread rolls though ). You could then compare how much it costs to buy food from the local supermarket and buy a recipe book and whip up a masterpiece for less than half the price (the examples are endless).

Remember, CRI are offering 12 months refund on Awakening Prologue, if you don’t like it send it back for Christ’s sake. Would you Babayada find another apparent anomaly with CRI’s marketing structure?

I won’t bother with any other comments as they may be considered derogative at this point in time, as I can clearly see that this subject seems somewhat sensitive in nature for some. Of course you could respond and say that CRI are spooling off marketing clap-trap, ripping people off, the program is too expensive, Bill H is full of it etc etc (I’ve heard it all before). Well, be my guest but I know of many people who ARE experiencing great results from this product and I will certainly continue to reap the many benefits that are happening for me (as others will).

[This message has been edited by watcher05 (edited October 25, 2004).]

[This message has been edited by watcher05 (edited October 25, 2004).]