I have used the Holosync CDs. I wasn't too terribly impressed. My bias is towards using more natural means of meditation for healing and inner connection. I've used a large amount of various entrainment based products in the past. I usually use them for entertainment now.

I do think the Holosync CDs work in so far as any form of meditation over a long period of time works. Is it technologically superior ultra-meditation? My judgment is no, it isn't. While certain forms of traditional meditation don't seem to work for some where holosync does, I suspect that these people did not learn to do traditional meditation well. In my experience, traditional meditation has brought me into deeper and more profound states than any entrainment technology I've used.

I am willing to believe that the Centerpointe products are superior to many others on the market. But this, I think, is not the secret to their ongoing success. Their aggressive marketing is. Bill Harris has come up with an ingenious marketing strategy. He doesn't sell CDs. He sells a lifetime of spiritual progress. That is what people buy. It's a great job he's done.

It's also practically a crime. The amount of money he charges per CD is outrageously high. It isn't like getting a $50.00 meal. It's like buying a hot dog for $50.00 every so often because a guy has bamboozled you into believing you will be malnourished if you don't. Sure, it might be a gourmet hot dog. Sure, for a hot dog, it might be really tasty and nutritious. But you're being robbed. You're being taken advantage of.

Centerpointe likes to present themselves as people who are spiritual, people who care, people who just want to help. Then they charge an arm an a leg for a product that probably costs just dollars to produce. How would you feel if you learned the production costs of the CDs were in the single digits per CD? Would that make you mad at all? Don't you see how hypocritical it is for Centerpointe to claim that they're about spirituality when it's apparent that they worship mammon?

Listen, there are people out there who charge $100.00 an hour to look at your computer for viruses and to remove them if they find them. Do people pay this amount? Yes. Do they believe they are being helped? Yes. Are they given a sense of security? Yes. Are they being totally ripped off? Yes.

Instead of taking the time and effort to learn how to operate their computer, people are willing to pay large amounts that through their ignorance they believe is a fair price in order to feel secure. Why? Laziness and fear.

Why aren't people making their own holosync tapes? Laziness and fear. They think there is more to it than there is. They don't want to put forth the effort to experiment and learn. They would rather buy something pre-packaged and nice looking with a lot of marketing. Something packaged specifically for them to believe in and buy more of. Bill Harris understands, more than other vendors, that he is selling an experience. He is smart enough to know that people want something to believe in. They want to be part of a lifelong journey. That's what he's sold you. And you've bought it hook, line, and sinker.

Are you being helped? Sure. Your spiritual PC is free from viruses. Keep subscribed.

I could do the same thing in terms of PC work. I used to be a PC technician. It'd be nice to make $100 a pop like that. I don't do it, however, because I have ethics. I have spiritual beliefs about helping people. If someone was freaking out about their PC being screwed up, I'd help them for free.

If you guys can't see the difference, or don't want to, well, what can I say?

[This message has been edited by babayada (edited October 26, 2004).]