Holosync works. The Internal Map of Reality Expander helps speed up changing the psychological MUCK that we all have so that we get to the good parts of our life’s adventure faster. (hint: for an example of this muck, read through all these posts on this thread. lol)

If there was a way to use Holosync not just to stop feeling bad but to help create/enjoy whatever you want in life, wouldn't you want to do it sooner than later???

I use both Holosync and am taking the online course and all I can say is AWESOME. I'm changing fast and loving it. Stay miserable all you who want to.

PS. I don’t like how Bill markets either but I do love his products, his company and his dedication to helping others. I have received personal email replies from him with this course. I can’t imagine how with all the people involved. The company bends over backwards to help no matter what I need… The Centerpointe Retreat CDs with Bill’s talks are life changing themselves. His book Thresholds of the Mind is too. So who cares if I don’t like his marketing. There is too good to like to even worry about this one small thing.