I relate to your love for Holosync. I don't like their marketing either but I must say I also love their online course. It complements Holosync in that is helps speed up the awakening process/becoming more conscious. It has nothing to do with HS not working or being effective, just helping a little with the process.

In my experience, that means if it would have taken 5 years to get over being miserable using HS and then 4 years of positive mediation with HS. Now I get 2 years of using HS and the Online course to quit being miserable and 7 years of 'who knows where this adventure is leading' mediations. I cannot say enough about the good of the online course!

Either way HS is awesome!

Originally posted by Tono:
Hi All

First of let me make it clear thay I am a HS user of two years and have been very satisfied with my results to date. They have been no more and no less than CRI claimed in their marketing spiel. At this point I do feel that I will see HS through to the end.

Now for my main criticism of HS!!! When I signed up HS was called the "End" as in, the end of your search for self development. I believed that then and still believe it because my results have pleased me. However, just lately I have been plagued or should I say SPAMMED by CRI advertising self development courses which Bill Harris seems to enthuse about. Sedona, relationships and now some bloody crap about voice training which costs the earth and the only people ina position to purchase it are movie stars!! (I'll be Back)

I feel that advertising all these courses is unacceptable. If HS is the product that it claims to be then all of the issues dealt with by these other courses will be dealt with by HS in due course. One of the biggest problems I can see with HS is that it takes more time to work than most people are prepared to give. This is unfortunate because HS really does work given enough time.

So! CRI, lay off the other courses and promote/defend HS more. I have been increasingly alarmed at the negative feedback of late. There was a time when it was almost impossible to find a negative word about HS.