The whole issue of HS has turned to the cost and making a system for free now.

One thing about HS is that you can get to a point to view your belief system about money.

If you believe something costs to much and you don't have the money, it will cost to much and you will never have the money.

I actually thought HS was pretty cheap for all the levels you get and the service and support that Centerpointe offers.

Bill always answered my questions even when I was upset with some crappy service and it was resolved. Centerpointe is probably the only organization that didn't get defensive when I went off.

Education that benefits your life is priceless, it is worth it to pay the price.

take a look at what you believe about money.
Maybe make a few changes in them and work on accepting this new belief system.

If you want to make alot of money become a Marketer. That's what Jack Canfield and his whole group does and they all make alot of money for their efforts.

The money is out there and you can attract it in greater and greater quantities if you have the right belief and value system. If money is a dirty thing to you and rich people are to be despised, I don't think you'll be having a very good lifestyle no matter what course or path you follow.

Holosync has worked very well for me in addition to using Spring Forest Qigong and Sedona.
