I have a friend who travels eastern europe alot and he has a great distaste for bankers. In the same breathe he complains about the lack of food and creature comforts in eastern europe, the corruption, etc.

They will never have anything until they make it safe for "money people" to come in and build an economy.

If you don't like the current system of the "Free Market" then build something better. No one is stopping you but yourself.

That all these people like LSC and Holosync and Sedona are "marketing" their stuff and making money at it, I think is great. If their stuff is good they will be around along time. If their stuff is junk then the market will flush them out (people will flush them out). It is true that there are some clunkers out there but they don't last.

I think you fight a system because you don't understand how to use it and don't want to put out the effort to learn. Alot of people want change but they want someone else to do the work. If you want the work done then people charge for it.

I like personal growth tools all packaged up and ready to use. I don't want to build the machine anymore, I just want to use it for what it was designed for. It saves alot of time and aggravation.

Also knowing what you want really helps when you go shopping. Kinda like picking software for your computer.
