I understand your concern but if you look at growth industries, such as computers were several years ago. The technology was so far ahead of the laws that it has been a scramble for the regulators to try and catch the developing technology.

At some point I expect, in this personal growth industry, we'll probably have to have permits and security clearances just to practise whatever our calling is and have imposed limits. It happens everywhere else.
Sorry you can only get so smart or be so happy. You only qualify for a level 2 Happiness because of your age( or whatever).

Right now we have this economic system that is used to create wealth. It is just a system that works, maybe it isn't the rolls royce of systems but it works. I don't know that making a different system is better than becoming fluent with the one we have.

So getting back to Holosync and it's rules for evolutionary change. When the system gets to a point of not functioning as designed and breaks down, it tends to reinvent itself to compensate for the new complex, whatever is thrown at it, thing.

When it does this, it adds alot of confusion into the place for awhile until the system operator gets use to it. In this way we as individuals and groups grow and change being able to handle alot more stuff thrown at us.

Like beautiful women.
