
My two cents' worth about all that's been going on in ths rather long thread.

THE END or not THE END :
I think they simply gave up this name as it had bad connotations attached to it. Might have seemed a good idea in the beginning : "THE END of your search for a guru", for example.

Regarding the Price :
Has anyone here studied marketing ?
I'm a consultant, and I have to tell you that from a professional point of view, Bill Harris's strategy is superb ! If his goal is to make as many people as possible enter the program (for whatever reason, be they totally altruistic, like "Let's bring relief to as many people as possible", or totally greedy, as "let's get as many people's money as possible"), then he is really doing it extremely well.

Here is the chief point of my argument : what is free has no value !

The meaning is : I'll attach strong value, and therefore be very committed to going through it all, to a program that I've paid dear money for, and I'll try for 10 days and ultimately forget about when I don't get instant results a program that I got for free.
The ONE big problem with Holosync is that the meditation is so effective that it brings a LOT of overwhelm before important shifts happen in the way we see and manage life, so you need a LOT of motivation to persevere and go through it nevertheless. The fact that you've paid a lot for the program gives you a big part of that motivation.
(BTW : to me this chaos and reorganization stuff is NOT pseudo-scientific baloney. I've experienced it EXACTLY as it is described years before knowing about Holosync. At that time it involved an enormous emotional crisis, and personal work that was forced upon me by extreme unhappiness about my life.)

All in all, I think BillHarris is doing things the right way. If he gave away the program for what it costs, he wouldn't get as many customers as he does now. That's one of the many paradoxes of modern economics science : in many cases, the classical law of supply and demand doesn't apply : You don't get more customers by lowering your price, you actually get more customers by raising your price, because a high price point creates superior perceived value in the eye of the consumer.

Cheers to all,
