Oh and BTW by the time you've successfully analyzed yourself you'd probably be in so much stress from all the prying at yourself that it wouldn't be worth, you'll also find that your evalution will be based on assumptions and not match the dynamic movement of life within you and around you. Words cannot pin down something that is by nature dymanic and infinitely complex. Man I've been there, the depression, even almost suicidal at one point, and I'm out of it now. And let me tell you I feel great and it didn't happen be critical evalution/analyzation/or having a neat little construct of what was "wrong" with me. A good life just happens when you surrender, this is life, and any resistance of it is death. When you get in your own way you take years off your life for all the stress, and the reasons for this stress will on your death bed very much be seen invalid and groundless. I feel great and you know what? I still don't know, I never will, but I'm happy, and I'm telling you there really is no way to happiness(which leads to success, peace of mind,true relationships)Happiness is the way, and you do this simply with Noncritical Awareness of yourself and your surroundings. Then your mind works effortlessly, and your body moves with poise and smoothness, contemplate what you want and the universe will give it to use. But first surrender, Awareness.