I'd be inclined to look at Sedona Method for general depression.

Natural Brilliance would be a good choice if your depression is the kind that stops you from doing what you need to be doing. Giving you a way to move ahead in spite of your depression holding you back. Action is one way of getting over depression. The you know what you got to do but can't be bothered doing it kind of depression.

Also Resiliency would be a good course to look at for dealing with the burnout and job search if they are the cause of your depression that course is for bouncing back from setback. Select this one if you are feeling lost type of depression. The not knowing what to do and feel like you are picking yourself up by the bootstraps byt don't know why you should deptression.

Another thing that has been shown to help overcome depression is Spring Forest Qigong, and I belive this is true for exercise in general. Starting and sticking with an exercise program will usually help too.

The choices are there. Depending on which course you choose you will need to make a commitment to work with it daily for about a month. Although you'll notice the depression lifting in almost immediately you need to stick with it for a month to prevent backsliding.
