1. I like to ask myself "How do
I feel about X" as I think of a situation (I'm not interested in
going meta and actually asking myself what I feel ABOUT it, it's just
something to say as my intent is to get a sense for what feelings are
attached to the verbal description and visual memory of X) where it
ocurred and...

2. Mime pulling something (the state) out of my chest. I can now
physically manipulate the state.

3. Stare at my hand. Whenever I look at my hand, I can feel the
state again. This is how I work purely with the feeling, and I'm
sure I'm not just making stuff up. If I'm not sure what I'm feeling,
I'll look up at a blank piece of wall and put myself in a neutral
state, then look at my hand again and note what changes.

4. I dentify a driver, pull it out, and set it aside. (When you
actually remove the driver, you REALLY (even if only temporarily)
remove it so you can feel what other drivers are in there.)

5. Repeat as many times as necessary.

6. When the drivers are identified, put 'em all back in and take
them out one-by-one to see which one is the primary driver. The one
that when I take it out, the whole (or most of the) state seems to go
blank, is the primary driver. Lately I've been havin' a bit of
trouble finding the right drivers. I may have to review my belief-
hunting knowledge. Finding the right belief can still be a bit
tricky. Also, I've been thinking of making a thorough library of
states. I can call up any emotional state at will thanks to my 3D
Mind practice. Maybe it'll help if I categorize them and chunk them.

7. I am honestly lazy. I like Hans' idea of moving the problem
driver aside to see what's naturally there as a resource. I that to
the problem driver and shake them up ta mix 'em. I should do more
work with finding resource drivers from situations that are already
there. I will ocasionally use this method, but I may want to use it
some more. Dunno.

8. Did I mention that when I use movement verbs (i.e. moving the
primary driver aside) I mean really PHYSICALLY moving them with my
hands? Just thought I'd point that out.

9. I put the primary driver back into the state and note how the
state changes. Adjust if needed.

10. I put the state on the floor, and expand it big enough to step
into. I energize it, and step into the state and note how it feels.

11. I take a step to my left, imagining a time in the past when X
ocurred. Note how things would have been different. Repeat this
step 2x, taking another step and imagining a time further in the past
each time.

12. Step to the right and imagine a time in the future, noting how
I'd react. Do 2x more.

13. Go back to the present, and reach out and pull the past and
future back to me, step back, ball it all up again, and then stick it
back in my chest.

14. If it's a belief change, sit down and ponder all the areas of my
life the change could afect and note what would be there instead,
feeling it.

15. If I do step 14, and the change is a particularly good one, sit
around for 5 minutes or so, feeling happy and