hi Bhenry,

In my experience the massage does release supressed emotions. However unless I work on underlying beliefs and attitudes, the energy tends to be supressed again. Atually to release, massage is not needed, Sedona method or meditation involving feeling deeply the body (as for example in Hayat's book "energized meditation', or Bruce Kumars books) will do the same.

For example, stay relaxed, fully present and feel your body while doing some type of slow motion (like tai chi). Pretty soon all kind of stuff will come up. Keep releasing initial emotions and if you can let them go - the undelying subconscious thought that was the cause for that particular supressed stress will come up. Then one has to deal with that thought/belief.

For me, some things are impossible to release unless I am willing to transform my presonality, change attitudes etc. That stuff could be pretty painful but if I manage to release the emotions and the original belief that caused them, then for me it feels like a huge relief and sometimes a complete change of the way I was looking at the situation. And the best thing is that the change is permanent, later in smiliar circumstances I stay aware of myself, not reacting not stressed ... Thats just my experience though.

Best wishes,
