Ha ha ha !!!
LIfe's post is just plain hilarious. That's one fine piece of Newagey mumbo-jumbo gobbldy-gook ! Extremely creative.

To get back on a more serious tone : I do agree that "packing sleep" is really a weird idea, and is totally impossible. Recent research has shown that sleep is mostly a repair mechanism for the brain, to compensate for the wear and tear that the waking activity metabolism exerts on it.

So trying to pack sleep in advance would amount to trying to heal wounds in advance. Until someone invents a functionnal time machine, I don't think any one in the world will ever be able to do that !

Just my 2 cents !


PS : there is a known relationship between mean body size and length of sleeping time in mammal species. Smaller mammals have quicker metabolisms and therefore their brain gets "worn out" quicker, and they need to sleep more in a day to make up for that.
Cats sleep up to 18 hours a day, dogs 12 hours, humans 8, and elephants need only 4 hours of sleep (I don't have the figure for blue whales. Anyway cetaceans are specific as they are able to sleep only with one side of their brain, so the othe side of their brain remains alert and can manage getting to the surface to get oxygen).
Maybe you can try to get as fat as an elephent and you'll reduce your sleeping time considerably !!!