by purjo:
"I don't feel much any kind of motivation!"

Maybe you need to switch gears, by first switching to neutral... and not so much reving in first with a passion... I suspect the next gear carries the solution and posture you seek... That the mind is manual, and automatic...

"I do know lots of ways, but none of them are available for me right now."

Maybe the ways available aren't the ones you need...

"Would it be time for applying all the future planning skills I've learned from various sources?
I've forgotten what for I would like to feel good in the first place."

So now you know what it feels like when good hasn't got a solid base...
Isn't that something like a windmil being built from the blades to the ground... or like a transport choosing the runout...
It sill looks like "changing gears" is the cure...

[Note: username changed from Life to cosmicbrat]

[This message has been edited by Life (edited January 10, 2005).]