
After more thinking, I agree with your earlier message where you said NLP is a great tool, but is not THE Way.

As you mentioned, figuring out the what and why something needs to be improved or fixed in much more important than the process of using the tools for improvement or fixing.

To be able to look at oneself objectively requires one to be at a "higher" level ("looking at the big picture", essentially from a more mature level), which requires one to have a followed a process of growth, which would not have been achieved had one jumped into NLP directly.

For me it has been through meditation, LSC's paraliminals and courses, philosophy and some other processes and techniques, that I am at this point, and I don't think I am anywhere close yet! Above all, I think it takes time and a lot of life experience.

This morning I was listening to the Abundance for Life Main CD 1 where Paul Scheele says something like "trying to change or improve any aspect of your being using any techniques is not always successful, and can sometimes leads to even more dysfunctional behavior".

This is definitely mind blowing, and is more food for thought and contemplation!
