
If combinations of technologies are more powerful, which is the optimum combination, if there is one? (keeping in mine the old adage, that what fits one is not necessarily what is the best for everyone...)[/B]

Right, in our market-driven society, everything tends to be mass-produced and packaged for the average John Q. Public. It's better to customize for each individual as YMMV.

But to respond to your query, the next step on the infinite ladder would be the meridian-based therapies of Energy Psychology. It is based on the concept that all emotional and physical problems are characterized by a perturbation in a person's energy field. Energy psychotherapy was started by Roger Callahan with his Thought Field Therapy when he applied Traditional Chinese Medicine principles (hehe, now he gives seminars with Richard Bandler). Sylvia Hartmann is also big on combining NLP with EFT. Although more gentle than acupressure, the leading edge of MET is to not use any physical tapping on any meridians using techniques like Instant BSFF, Emotrance, Z-Point Process, etc., to get faster results than months of conventional therapy.

As an example, the traditional method of endlessly repeating affirmations every day for a minimum of three weeks is not very effective if you kinesiologically test weak for the affirmation when you could install it into the subconscious in less than a couple of minutes using more efficient methods of energy work and not waste any more of your precious time on it. Faster results in less time and less effort - works for me.