Let's start this post by saying that I am a user of Holosync, going on three years now. Recently, I read a book that profoundly struck me because it sounded like the author was describing Holosync and Centerpointe's marketing strategy. That book was "The 48 Laws of Power," by Robert Greene. Specifically, Law 27, " Play on People's Need to Create a Cultlike Following" where he lists 5 steps to creating a cult or selling snake oil.

For Example, see the following excerpts:

Step 1: "Keep it Vague, Keep it Simple:" ...create the impression of specialized knowledge..the combination of vague promises, cloudy but alluring concepts, and fiery enthusiasm will stir people's souls and a group will form around you.

Step 2: "Emphasize the Visual and the Sensual over the Intellectual." "you might even tickle the mind, perhaps by using new technological gadgets to give yoru cult a pseudo-scientific veneer."

Step 3: "Borrow the Forms of ORganized Religion to Structure the Group." "Create rituals for your followers; organize them into a hierarchy, ranking them in grades of sanctity, and giving thme names and titles that resound with religious overtones;ask them for sacrifices that will fill your coffers."

Step 5: "Set Up an Us-Verses-Them Dynamic." "Make sure your followers believe they are part of an exclusive club."

I'd strongly encourage other Holosync users to read this chapter of Greene's book; I would be very interested to hear if others had the same reaction that I did. In literature, the phrase is "the Shock of Recognition."
