
You did recommend that book already in a thread on the Ebay forum.
I guess only your name was a bit different
"Contrarian" or. so.

Read your thread below.



Two book recommendations for Holosync users:

1. "Midnight" by Dean Koontz. Tells the story of a power-mad businessman (clearly modeled after Bill Gates) who invents a technology to improve people. Descriptions of "New People" and "Old People" "Before and After the Change." Some of the new people, however, don't take well to the procedure/technology and become known as "Regressives." Reads like a really bad case of overwhelm.

2. "The 48 Laws of Power" by Robert Greene. Particularly, Law 27, "Play on People's Need to Believe to Create a Cultlike Following." In this chapter Greene outlines the steps and procedures to creating a cult or selling snake oil. Some of the techniques will sound very familiar to Holosync users.

[This message has been edited by Frodo02 (edited February 12, 2005).]