I laughed when I read that "law" The five steps were very familiar

The first time I saw them was in 1981. It was in my Advertising course. The 5 steps of successful advertising. Worded differently but the methods both the same and in the same order. It was a bit like reading a book in ye Olde English modernised. Greene had summerised the chapters the way I understood them from the course. What amused me most is the course highlighed a softdrink giant as an example for the approach.

Create a need for your product, (course went into human needs etc). The need may not be obvious so you need to e.g. Softdrink giant, no one needs softdrink to survive as a human right... wrong, look again at the need for survival this softdrink giant created, it's implied (in other words vague)remember KISS.

Step two
Emphasis Visual and sensual. In the course step two Sex sells better than appealing to the intellect. Notice in the Softdrink giant campaign the use of bikini clad people having fun on the beach (hasn't changed much over the years), it appeals to the sensual.

Step three,
Show them how your product will elevate their status and make them superiour to others. Again softdrink giant as example. The nerdy guy turns into a hunk after drinking the softdrink and becomes a pretty girl magnet.

Step four.
Give incentives, use funds to give gifts and prizes. Promote the business by sponsoring programs (how like disguising your source of income is that?) Again softdrink giant examples.

Step 5.
Don't ignore your competitors create a following with effective marketing strategies like softdrink giant example "The Challenge"

In the course it was an effical marketing method in the course called "How to Create Loyal Customers in Five Easy Steps". In the book its The Science of Charlatanism or How to Create a Cult in Five Easy Steps.


[This message has been edited by Alex K. Viefhaus (edited February 13, 2005).]