
What irritated me the most about what you presented is that you aren't specific. You just throw this generalized thing out there and make it seem like "It's all bad".

From what you said, it seems you still listen to Holosync everyday but something else you don't agree with.

Years ago Steve Martin (the comedian) made a joke about trees on the side of the road causing so many auto accidents. Those darn trees should be taken to jail. A couple years later a Politician took up this cause and tried to have all the roadside trees removed in California because they caused auto accidents.

Having met people that work for Bill Harris in Portland , Ore I can attest there is no cult religion happening there. As disappointing as that may seem, they are just everyday people that work and do some spiritual growth, try to honestly help people, maybe drink a beer on the weekends watch and the sports event of the season.

True, it is it's own developing culture. It's also part of a bigger cultural development in this country and the world.

I don't agree with Bill on everything, some of those things he recommends for marketing are real stinkers in my opinion. Although I do like to see what he is doing and believe it or not those e-mails kinda help me see what direction he is going next. They lay out a path he has taken, maybe I'll follow it when I get there, maybe I won't.

Both Bill and LSC like to mention Jack Canfield alot as a role model they follow. I met Jack in 1995 and didn't care for him. He is very succesful as a businessman and has helped alot of people. When Bill is Marketing I just look at it as a Jack Canfield thing.

But Bill is a Educator, he is a Business man, he has a family and alot of things that don't involve whatever you don't like.

In Marketing sometimes they "position" something. You seemed to position Bill Harris and Cult Religion together with your original statement.

Maybe Bill has snapped a couple times but if you hit your threshold from people standing back and throwing stones, what would you do and how would you respond. I'd probably look for a paint ball gun the size of a bazooka to return fire, at least I'd surely think about it.

You obviously see something you thought these rules applied to but you never layed it out, only "shotgunned" the whole Bill Harris/Centerpointe/the Entire Universe is a Cult Religion, Oh my Gawd!

Maybe you could try this again from the top.
