Originally posted by Frodo02:
Yes, it can take a long time before results show up. I decided to go on with the program quite early when on the Awakening Prologue. I experienced such deep meditation which I had never felt before and also some overwhelm symptoms.

This convinced me that the system was working for me. However, it took me up to level 4 when I noticed the first benefits and
positive changes.

Gosh, some of you folks are so patient! For me, if I don't notice something--some tiny thing even--within about a month, I don't give it any more time. With Transcendental Meditation (learned lo! those many years ago), I noticed benefits within days, if not sooner. With Silva, I experienced benefits immediately. With SPQG I noticed benefits AS I was learning. (Alas, I've injured a foot, so not doing the moving QG for awhile.)

Hats off to all of you who waited for years with HS--that kind of patience is something I just don't have! (My HS gathers dust on the bookshelf--level 1, natch!)