Bless your heart, Frodo02, no criticism coming from me! I have nothing but sheer admiration for someone with the kind of patience you have. I know of the depth of experience that can be found in working as you do, and as many have done since time began. My being seems to function differently--hence, the program in question collects dust on a bookshelf.

It's not just in matters of spirit, mind you. Dear hubby and I like to work with stained glass. I do the designs and color choices. He, who has infinitely more patience than I, does the glass cutting.

I sometimes think the Universe is like a Mother with many children, each with different needs. She therefore sets out a grand banquet of infinite dishes, so that all of Her children might be nourished. Or, as one of my yoga teachers used to put it, there are as many "one true paths" as there are people to walk them.

Still, I watch people with this beautiful kind of patience, and wish I had a bit more of it!