Really, people are making their own choices about it. I am sorry I spent so much time making noise about it and being condescending. People simply make their own choices and that's that. They are usually not dupes. They are aware of the variables involved and make choices based on their available resources and will. And that, I guess, is simply that.

I believe a lot of people want the technology to do things for them that it may not for whatever reason. They paid a lot of money, and they're mad. Others, as we've seen, have experienced quite a bit of pain and suffering. I do not know whether or not these people would have had the same negative results from traditional meditation, my intuition says they probably would ... depending on the technique. I think each of these people deserve, at least, a refund and, considering the marketing, an apology.


Some of us are here trying to decide which choices to make (see my thread on hypnotherapy/NLP and sound/light therapy), so please keep sharing your thoughts. I'm in "overwhelm" about the myriad of choices out there. And I'm trying to make some logical decisions before I do spend a lot of money for something that doesn't work, realizing that self improvement techniques are not a "one size fits all" proposition and what works for you may not work for me.

And, for all your rants about Centerpointe (to which I take no offense, but rather take as a "buyer beware" warning), I appreciate your candor and integrity in remarking that you couldn't duplicate the quality on a "home-made" CD.