I'm on AL2, getting AL3 soon (fell for the new "Gamma Compassion" soundtrack pitch, but I was waiting for the BiAnnual Centerpoint Sales Pitch anyway!).

Been at it for over 2 years. I've gotten interesting results with BWGEN too. But, as already said, Holosync seems to work alot smoother, has better support, and they seem to know what they're doing.

I did TM for nearly 10 years, the last 3 or so with group and Sidhis practice. I saw alot of "unstressing" surrounding it, but not nearly as much practical benefit or progress as with Holosync (but I'm much older and more settled now, too!).

I can easily believe that some people have had Kundalini blowout with Holosync, just as I've seen with TM or any other practice. I do think the support at Centerpointe is far more detailed and practical then the TM org gave us plebians. The cost pans out to be the same as TM/Sidhis course, too, but Holosynce is a much better investment of time and money for me, so far.

I can't vouch for Bill, and like it that way. Sure, he's a born pitchman, and may have a temperment problem with some people. But that ominous posting about "cult and exclusivity tactics" are not much different than the MLMs, ad campaign, or designer fads I've seen come and go.

Besides, everyone thinks they have "the best," otherwise, why would they even bother? And Centerpointe never said you can't practice anything else along with Holo (if they were an "exclusive cult," rather than another hustling business, they wouldn't muddy the water with all that junk mail for other programs!). I try to fit in a little yoga, Zazen and walking meditation during the day, and I get much better results and focus than I did before trying Holosync.

So no cult, guru, diet or dresscode scene for me. Just send me the disks and materials and be done with it.

When, and if, I come across something better (and cheaper), I'll have no qualms about jumping ship. (besides, I can't afford the "insider's circle). (One guy on eBay will sell me his own "equivalent, or better," tracks for $80 each. But he still would rather have me start with a beginner's track, because he believes his tracks are even more powerful.)

[This message has been edited by lad (edited May 03, 2005).]