Originally posted by Nickie:
Hi Lad
In your post you stated "...(fell for the new "Gamma Compassion" soundtrack pitch,..."

What is that?


Well, Centerpointe apparently has a discount sale offer (with spread payment plans) every Nov. and April - usually with bonus items - like "New Autofonix and 3D audio" and such. Last Nov., it was a bonus of some of Bill's courses. This time, it's the "opportunity" to be one of the field testers for their "first new product in over a decade."


Seems that Bill noticed an article about Buddhist brain research in the WSJ. Says while monks practice the Metta Compassion exercise, their brains appear to give out very high (50 MHZ) "Gamma" frequencies.
Sooooo, he and his audio posse tried rigging up a soundtrack to do the same. Bill says it works and puts you in that compassionate, happy, energized Metta state right away (and hey, he's even gonna include some subliminal affirmations on top of that!).
So, ORDER YOUR NEXT LEVEL NOW and get this probably-will-soon-be-released-separately-at-$100 new soundtrack (and be obliged to send in an experiential report in 1-2 months, tho' I don't think they're gonna come knocking down your door for one).
I was gonna bite anyway, so the added track helped spur the decision (plus some added reports and his recorded UN talk to boot).

Oh yeah, seems the Gamma frequency cuts loose with a lot of those twitchie "kriyas," apparently indicating a lotta "purification" (even if you're a Bill Harris!).
So, those of you with things like the forementioned psycho/neurological mish-mash going on probably should sit this one out. (JMHO, not saying that I don't expect some pinball action myself from this kinda stuff).