I have been reading all of these post about centerpointe and holosync and have yet to find some kind of intrinsic value in the whole debate it is just a constant swing in polarity from recomenders to discrediters, for some one new to read all of these posts it is just one more long list of information to confuse someone, there is never any resolution. It just makes me feel like I am at a presidential debate between the republicans and the democrats. Each "canditate" has his own opinion upon the given subject and but it never really reaches and end. it is just a verbal toying with polarity. making large sweeping swings from extreme left to extreme right until someone new joins in the debate at a neutral point and is swept away into the swaying.
so what I am really getting at is what meaning does all of this have for you?
Is it a heart felt testemonial of what works for you or is it an unconcious attempt to recruit more followers of the way of "MY WAY"? just my two cents.