Thanks to everyone who has given some information here - it IS appreciated. I didn't feel that Publius1776 was very objective but was posting some very reactive comments. Perhaps if the comments were less emotional they may have had more impact.

I am a newbie use of Holosync - only 2 months into it. I was very hesitant about going ahead with it because of the very exy price tag. But... I had some spare cash and figured that if I didn't try it I'd never know if it was real or a scam. I don't think it is a scam but do wonder about the high price tag. I don't like the advertising material they have sent me but I do enjoy listening to the products.

So far, I really enjoy listening to it each day. And I loved the extra CDs from Bill's retreats. I did experience some 'overwhelm' but I wasn't sure if that was caused by the CDs or by the drama that was happening in my life at the time. I tend to think it may have been a bit of both.

I usually fall asleep before the CD finishes - even when sitting up! I think I will go ahead with the next level even if only to enjoy the virtual audio quality.

As for the placebo affect comments... who knows? I have a pretty flexible mind anyway. I've long done some form of mental gymnastics in order to cope with very emotional husband. Anything that I can feel a positive benefit from is a good thing as far as I am concerned. From my experience, mental rigidity seems to cause a lot of grief in those who refuse to be flexible.

I worked for five years as a polysomnographic technician doing sleep studies - monitoring and scoring brain waves so I find the background to this product quite intriguing. I would LOVE to have my brain waves monitored whilst using the product. And would love to have a 'before using' study and a 'after finishing' level one study.