Hi, maybe someone could help me out, the issue I have had for awhile is slowing down. I have so many deadlines for things that I find it hard to relax. I have programs such as natural brilliance, anxiety-free, holosync that have aided tremendously, but my mind never seems to be clear of the business integrations of the day. I have tried various relaxation techiniques, and at times have taken paxil for the worry feeling that these deadlines produce, but the problem with that is paxil also takes the edge off my performance, so I quit taking it.

It seems to me that the more I work at being successful the less peace I have, which is why I am working to be financially independent is to have peace in my life. I have been thinking about trying Euphoria, or another program in hope to experience a release of preasure and peace of mind, but yet still get things done. Ah, what to do?