I suggest Brain Builder by AST (www.advancedbrain.com). I think they have a web version as well as a CD-ROM version. The software is supposed to increase your ability to do basic cognitive processing utilizing your short term memory.

If anyone is a beginning programmer they may be able to create their own program modelled after the AST one. Naturally, you should consider the copyright and patent infringement issues (if there really is a patent). The web page version of Brainbuilder is probably www.brainbuilder.com.

A lot of people (maybe most people) insist that short term memory cannot be increased. But my scores playing games in Brainbuilder actually increased (at least temporarily.) I stopped at the point where I could be read an 11 digit number and then recite it back digit-by-digit in reverse order. Before, I could not always successfully remember seven digit phone numbers if read to me quickly without saying them to myself.


-- Brandon