It's a pleasure to find such diverse and numerous discussions continue to gravitate towards the topic of Holosync, Bill Harris, and Centerpointe! I have been using Holosync for three months now (awakening prologue), and being a guy who values questions and critical thinking, I of course have my doubts. But ironically its the common doubts of most others that are the very things that have kept me going! Let me explain.

I have heard countless people express again and again that Holosync is not *making* them perfectly emotionally balanced and wise and enlightened, etc. Of course not! If it did - you wouldn’t need it! From what I have grown to understand, Holosync is DESIGNED to provide a gradual and incremental stimulus over time (over YEARS) to your psychological apparatus, causing it to eventually break down under too much entropy and thus to reform on a more cohesive level that is able to handle the entropy that it previously could not handle. Then the entropy is again increased, and the structure is forced to break down again and reform on an even higher level. OF COURSE YOU REACT TO THE HOLOSYNC STIMULUS BE EXPERIENCEING OVERWHELM. If you didn't then the program wouldn't be doing its job.

The very idea that this program could initiate processes that parallel emotional catharsis or even psychosis is the reason why I bought it and use it! Intrinsically I recognized the value in such a powerful tool (yet, there are many other, more gentle tools, for those who prefer)... But THE HAMMER is the quickest way to self-mastery - albeit not the safest.

But whatever route you choose - anyone who expects to actualize themselves without struggle or discomfort or PAIN are selling themselves short. I'm not advocating pain here - I’m suggesting that over our lives, in order to survive, we stash away our pain into the shadows of our own selves so we can function uninhibited - but by doing this we become ultimately limited - and if we wish to remove that obstacle that we created for ourselves then our pain must be unmasked and maybe even experienced and our own darkness illuminated! Sounds nice - but what it implies are subjective emotional experiences that are very unpleasant and that no one in their right mind would deliberately pursue - right? Wrong. In the cases I’m describing - the are a necessary means to a much brighter ending - and Holosync is a powerful tool that can help get you there quickly if you allow it to.

Now. The Danger. The people you don't often hear about who have been ruined.

If Holosync is a stimulus that pushes your psychological structure to collapse - then what is to guarantee that the structure is not merely damaged or destroyed? What if it never reforms on a higher level? This is a question I have been contemplating. Perhaps I ask it out of ignorance. Perhaps it could explain the "exceptions" that Holosync has had an overall dehabilitating or damaging effect on. I have not called up their hotline yet - but from what I’ve seen and heard the characters you speak too sound like drones that are programmed to say "just let whatever happens be OK" or "just stick with it, you'll get through this part". I hope they don't use this outlook indiscriminately, regardless of what kinds of questions you ask them. What if I react to Holosync by falling helpless to deeply repressed suicidal tendencies? Should I just be OK with that feeling? From a more removed standpoint I’d personally say "well, there will be a few casualties. Everything/everyone can not be accounted for. But as a generalization Holosync will do good things" - but from a humanistic standpoint I could not sit by and watch a friend be driven to the edge of suicide by their commitment to some audio tapes that play with brain entrainment... I would say to STOP - and find another way. Maybe THE HAMMER is not for everyone. And Holosync in itself is not even a very big hammer! (Try Primal Therapy, for example)

And what’s with their marketing strategies? I do not appreciate being bombarded with the same bulky-paper-wasting propaganda again and again. Bill Harris does sound like he's trying to sell snake oil to a bunch of desperate primates! Why does he have to approach sales from that angle?! He makes the company look like crap! I'm sure their main homepage has turned off more people that it has suckered in! (well, I suppose it did sucker ME in) -- but I was willing to look beyond the obvious pressure-tactics (I’ve been a salesman for many years) to see the product being sold - and realize that due to its nature and the people who needed it most it demanded more than a simple-honest approach to sell it effectively.

But I still smell dishonesty. Does that mean that just because the sales mentality is unethical that the product is without value? Not necessarily.... But it doesn't help it much either. One specific of dishonesty would be the Sony MDR-V600 headphones which they sell on their site for approx. $110 - claiming that even that is good discount from full retail price. Well, full retail is $99 direct form Sony - and has been for the last decade. And there’s more. So - WHY THE NEED FOR ALL THE BULLSH*T STORIES?

I have mixed feelings about Holosync. I think its effective, although maybe a little too gentle for people who have strong defenses against change built up - cause those guys/gals don’t even really experience much upheaval!

But my GUT tells me that a major element of CRI is DISHONEST --- and so I serve to make up for that by offering copies of this overpriced program to friends and poor people for free. JUST KIDDING!!! <---disclaimer

What sets Holosync apart from any other Brain Entrainment outfit that I’ve yet to see? Most companies are dealing with inducing Brain States. Holosync is dealing with STAGES. They are offering an effective and long-term program designed specifically to break you down again and again. All-out better than any short-term deprogramming or deconditioning exercise I have ever come across. If you want to Become yourself you first have to Unbuild yourself.

I would suggest Holosync to anyone who is SERIOUS about LONG TERM self mastery and who is willing to suffer a little (maybe a lot) to get out of the river they’ve spent their whole lives drowning in and up onto the mountain peak that overlooks the whole beautiful valley. Its gonna be a LOT of work - there isn’t a quick fix to get up atop that mountain for GOOD – but Holosync can be one of many tools to speed the process. Even if it appears that the company is run (in my opinion, and not without REASON) by some very dishonest capitalist meat-heads!

I hope that for all the readers and posters on this board - your search for answers yields something useful to you. With LOVE,

Pope Egg B. Real


Book of Egg 4:3

[This message has been edited by eggnostic (edited May 22, 2005).]