To qoute from the "Crusty Ol Sailors Successful Management Technics Manual", the 7P's to getting anything done (there are no copies left in print or I'd try to sell you one).

Prior Proper Planning Prevents P#%s Poor Performance.

This would indicate that a well thought out plan would provide the desired or better results. You have to follow through with action to get it done.

Another truism from the same book, "Prepare for the worst and expect the best".

When you are going on your long bicycle ride you need some things that ensure you get where you are going, map, food, water, snake bite kit, matches, helmet, first aid kit, compass, etc. Trying to foresee any mishaps, you may have to deal with, that can occur in your travels. Other than that, have a really nice day and we'll see you when you get there.

