In case anyone has tried to suggest that the human mind is incapable of exerting a deliberate and systematic effect on phenomena in the observed universe..or "reality" as some might call it, here is a double-blind study to the contrary:
(scroll down a bit to get to the study)

...Apparently the "mindset" of the those individuals offering prayer and positive intention made quite a bit of difference in the health and well-being of the patients under examination in these studies.

There are many other such double-blind studies which prove
exactly the same thing. (see the work of Larry Dossey)

Not new-age crap; hard scientific evidence.

Actually just confirmation of Bell's non-locality theorem in
physics, which demonstrated that the mind of
the observer established instantaneous action-at-a distance in the observed
"physical" universe.

No, this doesn't mean that everyone can sit around controlling everything telepathically. But it is a skill, that can be cultivated and developed, and integrated with an overall program for change in the individual case (including effort, persistence, etc.)

I say, each should (responsibly) learn to use it as they are able, as it has been largely brainwashed out of us in the west by our inheritance of scientific materialism and naive "realism".

Isn't that what many of us are involved in doing already...?

[This message has been edited by garics (edited August 16, 2005).]