Originally posted by lad:
I read how the professional (and amateur) skeptics have been trying to blow holes into the double blind prayer research. Time will tell, I suppose.

Time has already left the skeptics far behind.

They are clinging to an archaic materialist worldview, which has been experimentally disproven by modern quantum physics research.


I'd like to believe that "Magickal Thinking" could produce success all on it's own.

I wouldn't.

It requires a specific process, and there are different levels of skill and sensitivity with regard to manifestation.
Like in everything, some are very naturally talented at it, and can develop it to agreat degree, and some can't.

Those who have little or no ability at all in this area, or who never bother to investigate the matter for themselves first-hand, become "skeptics".


But, like any effective myth or faith, it only really "works" when you believe in it.[/b]

Wrong; It works when you effectively engage the process, practice it, and refine it.

And there are different technologies which produce different kinds of results, as our friends in the SFQ forum can surely tell us many stories about.

[This message has been edited by garics (edited August 22, 2005).]

[This message has been edited by garics (edited August 22, 2005).]