I'm preparing for my first Photoreading / Direct Learning session. According to the tape, I need 5 books: three on the subject I want to learn and two on indirectly related subjects.

I want to Direct Learn about chess, so I picked up these books:

  1. "Como Ganar en el Ajedrez (How to Win in Chess)"
  2. "Los Errores Mas Frecuentes en el Ajedrez (the Most Common Errors in Chess)"
  3. "El Gran Libro del Ajedrez (The Great Book of Chess)", by Natale Ramini
  4. "Iniciacion Al Bridge (Getting Started at Bridge)", by Lorenzo Ponce Sala
  5. "Despertando al Gigante Interior (Awaken the Giant Within)", by Anthony Robbins

Chess is a strategy game, so I guess that related books should have something to do with strategies. Book D is about a card game, I think that a card game has to do with strategies. Book E is more indirect than D. It is about personal growing. I guessed that personal growing has something to do with strategy too, but I picked up that book because I failed to get a politics or business book. Are my choices OK?