The PowerMinding site, which no longer exists, used to offer a free meditation program that consisted of 6 40-minute mp3 files that would take you 6 months. The page is question is now archived at

but you can still get the Mind Meditation mp3 files from under Miscellaneous at the bottom of the page way under Bandler's pdf files (at the top).

The description of the program is:

The Mind Meditation Program.... FREE!!!

Yes thats right. We have a The Mind Meditation Program free for you to use. It's a program which takes you half a year to use. If you want to get professional and be going into very deep states of mind you have to practice meditation forat least 40-50 years. With this file program you can achive this meditative deep state of mind in only 6 months! In each file the frequence of Binaural Beats is lowered more and more.. This means that new neural pathways is created with each file you hear. But you have to listen to each file a day for a month - 6 files in 6 months - till your mind has created these new neural connections. You can be so deep relaxed, and its getting more and more pleasureble each time you hear a file, you may never have experienced before. Here it is: Listen to each part file a month. Starting with file part 1, then go to part 2 etc. Each file lasts around 40 minutes...

The Mind Meditation Program - Part 1
The Mind Meditation Program - Part 2
The Mind Meditation Program - Part 3
The Mind Meditation Program - Part 4
The Mind Meditation Program - Part 5
The Mind Meditation Program - Part 6