Hello and welcome:

I am probably familiar with the post you mentioned, and as a person using Holosync now for over a year, I can say that you certainly cannot believe everything you read. If it is the same person as I think it is, this person also intermittently posts to a forum created by other Holosync users, to spread his own bad experience in attempts from discouraging others from using the technology.

It has more or less been agreed upon by that particular group, at least, that he obviously had more wrong with him that happened before he ever touched Holosync than he's willing to admit. As well, his experience was very limited - in other words, he didn't even give it a chance to help him get out of whatever he was in that WAS making his life crap, so his assertion that "it will ruin your life" is extremely biased and weak.

While the people on that forum are a minority of the over 700,000 people who have used (and most of them are probably still using) Holosync, I'd say they give a pretty good cross section of the types of people and the reasons why people use it. It is a tool that basically speeds up the meditative process, and in doing so some people (not everyone though) experience some degree of overwhelm or discomfort. People meditating without Holosync go through that discomfort as well, if they do it long enough and with enough intensity. However, it is not something that is going to "wreck" someone's life unless they were already beyond the point of being helped by anything like this anyways, IMHO.

The benefits of using it far outweigh any of the so-called negative effects some may experience, and from those posting on the other forum, even when they have experienced the overwhelm and then come through it, they have praised the process immensely for what they have gained. Quite a few of them have been using Holosync for 5 or more years.

I suggest you explore more, and particularly read on the Centerpointe Research Institute web-site (www.centerpointe.com) the true and real story and testimonies of those who have used it, before believing the words of only one person who, for whatever reason, has had a bad experience. Then, if you already have the initial CD available, use it as instructed (doing the Dive for two weeks initially before also incorporating the second half hour Immersion) and give it a couple of months before making up your mind. It certainly will not damage you in that short a period, and you'll probably be eager to continue - most people who use it are.


[This message has been edited by Unis (edited October 23, 2005).]

[This message has been edited by Unis (edited October 23, 2005).]