In relation to this topic...has anyone read The Power of Now by Eckhardt Tolle, or better yet his new book A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose?
After reading the first one I ran right out and bought the next. I found them both to be very powerful and transformational...I would say I found more peace following his suggestions than in everything else I have ever tried put together!! One thing it is good for (honoring the Now, that is) is to quiet that annoying voice inside your head that wont stop spewing negative and destructive thoughts. What you find after you get into the habit, (which happens almost immediately,I might add) is you start noticing your "mind's behavior" and laughing at yourself, as in, "...there I go again, duh!" Before you know it the behavior has fallen away...because you consciously recognize it and realize its destructiveness in your life. I highly, highly, highly recommend these books. Has anyone else had a similar experience?